Brussel (Brussels) is the capital of Belgium, as well as being the
headquarters for NATO. In all honesty, Brussel has never been on my
must-see list - we stayed there because the hotels were less expensive than
in Leuven. In my mind, 'Brussel' was immediately followed by 'sprouts'
and the battles I used to have with my mom about finishing my dinner.
Having said that, what little we saw of Brussel was quite lovely, and I wish
we had a few days to go back and see the whole city. We stayed in the
'European Quarter' (according to our map), which houses a number of
government buildings, as well as a couple of beautiful churches and a number
of parks. We spent our one evening walking around, first across the
street to the Column of Congress, impressive in itself, but the views from
the park overlooking the city were wonderful. A little farther was the
Cathedral of Saints Michael and Gudule, patrons of the city. The next
day we had just enough time to walk around the Parc du Cinquantenaire, which
I had assumed was some palace. The Parc is absolutely huge, and was
originally designed for the 1880 celebration of Belgium's 50th anniversary.
People were everywhere, enjoying the sunshine and playing with their dogs,
taking full advantage of such a lovely day.
The stained glass ceiling of the Astoria lobby in Brussel The Congress Column, dedicated to the unknown soldiers of both World Wars The Cathedral of Sts Michael and Gudule, patron saints of the city Who do you think the central figure resembles? Brussel's Arc de Triomphe in the Parc du Cinquantenaire Planned as part of Belgium's 50th anniversary in 1880, the arch was not finished until 1905, just in time for its 75th